© Selma Gurbuz

Group exposition: Our Invisible Hands

Contributors: Anastasia Eggers, Pia Jacques de Dixmude, Collectif dallas, Karolina Michalik, Claire Chassot, Ines Marita Schärer & Caroline Profanter, Jonathan De Maeyer, Ciel Grommen & Maximiliaan Royakkers, Mona Thijs, Yacinth Pos, Ioana Lupascu

Curators: Ils Huygens en Annelies Thoelen

Our Invisible Hands is the name of the Seasonal Neighbours group exposition organised in Z33, centre for art, design and architecture in Hasselt (Belgium). Between 30 January and 17 April 2022 various research trajectories were presented in the form of finished works, work in progresses, talks, and documentation of in-situ interventions. 

Our Invisible Hands showed the impact of temporary labour in the agricultural sector, and the perspective of the working man in the rural landscape. Starting from the real-life reality in the field, the exhibition developed themes of rituals, boundaries, communication, identity, coming home, and the relationship between humans and plants. Seasonal labor comes and goes, and is local. How can we understand this ever-recurring migratory flow from within?

More information on the various trajectories can be found on the trajectory pages.


Read an article about the exhibition, published in news paper De Standaard here (in Dutch). ︎︎︎

Listen to a radio interview with Ciel Grommen and Maximiliaan Royakkers, aired at Klara here (in Dutch).︎︎︎

Biography artists 

With support of the Flemish Government, Vocatio fund, the Creative Industries Fund NL and many crowdfunders.

Website updated in May 2024